Friday, June 17, 2016

Roman a Clef - BOMBASTIC GADFLIES: Exposing the Root of America's Money-Fueled Politics

                                                    DG Farnsworth

Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men
— John Adams

Bombastic Gadflies
Author Page

My first novel (published second)--"Bombastic Gadflies"-- demanded to be written. At its root is the inception of the chaotic, degrading money-fueled political climate Americans are trapped in today. "Bombastic Gadflies" is a roman a clef (actual persons/events disguised as fictional) about the protagonist's relationship with the daughter of a corrupt Republican US Congressman -- once the third-ranking member of the Armed Services Committee -- who pocketed the largest pool of money of any departing member of Congress: free to take his campaign chest by running for Kentucky governor.

Foremost, I couldn't believe what I saw, heard, and experienced in regards to my life growing up with the daughter of a US Republican congressman and her family. And I couldn't help but wonder if I were seeing all this inequity...this corruption, these lies...this self-serving behavior--much for the congressman's financial many other public officials--congressmen in particular--were like this? Unfortunately, I felt the need to allow some of those involved that I based my story on to read the book pre-publishing before I planned to be interviewed on a local TV noon news show. I scrapped the interview and book since I lost life-long friends when they read a lot of grief from folks, including family members. So, I figured it wasn't worth the hassle. Hence, this book set on the shelf for well over 10 years. Had the book been released at the time I wished it could have shed light on the inequity in the political climate. For example, this congressman who ran for governor of Kentucky in order to pocket $700 thousand (through a loophole, since changed) helped expose all the holes in the primary election system--the haphazard manner in which votes were counted...the total lack of knowledge about rules regarding "official" counts, etc...which may have had an impact on the 2000 election where "chads"...and the whole fiasco in the problematic Florida vote count monumentally affected the national presidential election. The Kentucky congressman I based my book on said George Herbert Walker Bush urged him to run for governor...and he used the same "Reagan Bible of Distress" that helped George Herbert Walker Bush win the presidential election: these are all the tactics, mudslinging, etc.--taking the focus off the issues--that we now see in politics today. (I explain in detail what the whole "Reagan Bible of Distress entails that changed politics forever in the US.) Certainly, it was this watershed moment over 20 years ago that mirrors the "new politics" we see today that turns so many folks off. But don't let the politics turn you off in this book; it's merely one storyline--a backdrop--of my entertaining story of related characters.

Bombastic Gadflies reveals political history and presents real historical figures alongside fictitious characters. What makes the novel most noteworthy and newsworthy: this congressman pocketed the largest pool of money of any departing member of Congress, free to take his campaign chest by not running for office. In the House probe of check writers, the congressman remains among the worst abusers of the House Bank overdraft system scandal--guilty of 83 bad checks. The book blends imagination to portray ideas, attitudes, and tendencies of my life with a US Republican congressman and his daughter. And while "fiction" I maintained the truth throughout...

Congress in November of 1989 prohibited House members from pocketing any campaign money when they left office. However, there was a loophole: those in the House since January 8, 1980 could keep the money if they left Congress by 1992. Carey Lucas’ term runs through 1992. He was first elected in 1978. Most of the money was derived from special-interest contributors--those that would gain/lose from federal legislation. All during the campaign Lucas gave his word that he would not keep the campaign money for personal use...and to those questioning the former congressman about it, he quipped, "My word is good enough to dispel doubt." Taking money became an "option" when he decided he wouldn’t seek reelection to Congress...then, ran for Kentucky governor.

I had been reluctant to release this book (from personal perspective). Though "fiction" it reflects a great deal of my real life. I wrote this novel before I wrote my second book---the more creative, imaginative Superstar Passage The Reincarnation of Karen Carpenter. Basically, "Bombastic Gadflie"s reflects more "autobiographical"...and yes, imagination comes into play. But this book's more "imaginative" stringing events of my life--and the Kentucky gubernatorial race between my (former) best friend's dad (US congressman) and the millionaire horse breeder--to make a cohesive, entertaining piece.

I wrote this book over 10 years ago...rewrote it at least four times--until the recent final edit; where I removed a great deal of the it from top to bottom...and added more prose. In the past, I felt reticent to release the novel due to its uncomfortable, painful, personal nature. However, I did allow my best friends from high school (whose opinions I respect) and a select few others to read it. They really liked the book and encouraged its release.

The menu needed altered severely. Not fit to consume or eat: that's how folks viewed the politics served to them in Kentucky. Candidates didn't level with the people. Dishing out negative advertising throughout the campaign sickened voters. Forking over the most massive helpings of money—the key ingredient—enabled a Carey Lucas and Hayward Thomas primary victory. A diet of deceit and greed--consumed by the congressman and his daughter, Myra (the apple does not fall far from the tree). The congressman's daughter and best friend, Royce VanArsdale, lead exciting, rich, tumultuous lives in the Bluegrass' thoroughbred racing world. Royce VanArsdale and Leila Nichols share a rich lifelong history of eccentric, family secrets among the Bluegrass elite. Their friendship tears apart as the congressman's daughter weaves a web of deceit and lies. US Congressman Carey Lucas pockets the largest pool of money of any departing member of Congress--$700-thousand--free to take his campaign chest by not running for office. Corruption of the Highest Order. Congressman Carey Lucas' actions reflect one of the reasons why the public holds Congress in such low esteem. It validates their concern that there are a lot of people who get into politics to benefit themselves financially. The money was not supposed to be a special interest pension fund, but was contributed to the Lucas election campaign. By running for governor against the millionaire horse breeder, Congressman Lucas could pocket that money (by not seeking another congressional term). The US representative broke that promise he made while running for governor—to "not keep any of that money." He put into his pocket what remained in his congressional campaign fund...bad politics, bad taste, and bad for the Republican party. The congressman misleads the public with press releases--including remarks about the Persian Gulf War (used to benefit his campaign). Protagonist Royce VanArsdale, along with others, fight anorexic behavior--struggling to tame their fight for perfection, demanded by extremely wealthy and successful families who often expect too much. The politics, itself—along with substance--is purely anorectic…

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